To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge. ~ Confucius
Selected Peer-Reviewed
de Paul Obade Vincent, 2017. Quantifying the interactions of land management practices and agricultural productivity using a soil quality index. Soil Use and Management, Volume 33, Issue 4, pages 639–652, doi: 10.1111/sum.12379. (Most downloaded article) felicitation
de Paul Obade Vincent, & Rattan Lal, 2014. Soil quality evaluation under different land management practices. Environmental Earth Sciences 72: 4531-4549. (Most downloaded article)
de Paul Obade Vincent, & Rattan Lal, 2013. Assessing land cover and soil quality by remote sensing and geographical information systems (GIS). Catena, 104, 77-92. (Number 1, or Most downloaded article).
de Paul Obade Vincent, Rattan Lal, & Jiquan Chen, 2013. Remote Sensing of Soil and Water Quality in Agroecosystems. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 224, 1-27. (Number 1, or Most downloaded article)
Book Chapters:
Reference Works:
de Paul Obade Vincent. Management of Soil Quality and Land Resources. Invited (Springer)
Articles under review:
Risks of ignoring ecosystem services connection to human well-being and focusing on end of pipe remedial solutions.
Evolution of technology driven indicators in soil and land resource management - from indigenous to dot-com generation
Using Remote Sensing to assess Surface Residue Cover.
Crop Residue - A wolf in sheep's clothing?
Articles under preparation:
The zoon politikon scrutinized - politics of agro-ecosystem sustainability vis-à-vis climate change
Upcoming Books:
Treating symptoms rather than the cause: uncertainties in global energy security
Accounting the Technical Education juggernaut in Tertiary Institutions
What to target in curricula restructuring- is it the forest or the monkeys?
From geo-engineering- what next?
Is Education Reform an Illusion? role of objective and comprehensive assessment