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Grants and Proposals

  1. Project Title: Remote Sensing based assessment of Management Impacts on Water Quality.          
    Requested: US $ 462, 240.  Funding Agency: NSF/USDA-NIFA

  2. Project Title: Using Remote Sensing to relate Soil Quality and Carbon dynamics at Regional Scale.   
    Requested: US $ 300, 000.  Funding Agency: NASA

  3. Project Title: Mapping Crop Residue using Remotely Sensed Data.
    Funding Agency: NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship

  4. Project Title: Creating interactive soil and water quality assessment tools (based on geospatial information)

  5. Project Title: Examining crop yield dynamics vis–à–vis soil quality, anthropogenic land management and weather patterns in Africa.

  6. Project Title: Greening Africa and making it food secure (i.e., self sufficient in grain but at low operational costs).

  7. Project Title: Examining interface between demand - supply in soil-based ecosystem services.

  8. Project Title:  Sustainable eco-intensification and restoration of soil health nexus tincture for zero emissions agriculture.

  9. Project Title:  Extraterrestrial soils and agriculture (i.e., sky farming, soil processes and hypogravity etc.)

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